Pacific Freight Line. is a privately owned freight forwarding, logistics management and international shipping company providing exceptional services to clients all over the world. Our logistics services encompass distribution, warehousing, road, rail, air and ocean freight pickup and delivery.

Combined with advanced technology and wealth of experience ever since our inception in 2010, we are proudly delivering safe and reliable logistics services to individual and business clients.

Our Mission

  • To offer an unrivaled logistics service;

  • To develop mutually beneficial partnerships that support our community role objectives for the good & benefit of our stakeholders;

  • To be a business that offers reliable communication and enabling sustainability through trust.

Our Core Values

  • Trust

We believe that trust, respect and fair pricing is necessary for a business to thrive.

  • Relationships

We are a team because we trust, respect and care for each other like family.

  • Integrity

Our thoughts and actions will be based on our core values, not on personal gain.

  • Excellence

Excellence is not an option, it’s a part of our DNA. If we do not strive for excellence every day, our competition will.

Being at the forefront of seamless and efficient storage, packing and distribution service, Pacific Freight Line. gives you the competitive edge you need.